Does a business really need a website?
Does a business really need a website? The quick answer is YES. At least in my opinion. These days many small business entrepreneurs are quick… Read More »Does a business really need a website?
Does a business really need a website? The quick answer is YES. At least in my opinion. These days many small business entrepreneurs are quick… Read More »Does a business really need a website?
Ok, you have a website and you need to create content for your Blog. Where do you find the content to write about? Here is one way to find content for your website. Start with the topic. Search for topics that center around your specific niche. Search for related keywords to those topic and see what is currently trending. Here are two ways to find topics that can result in great content for your wordpress blog website.
Google Alerts is a great way to select specific search terms and create an automated alert. The search term would be what you would normally search for in the google search box. Use a long-tailed keyword so that your search can be specific to your topic. Using a general term could result in too much irrelevant information for you to dig through. Google can often suggest keyword to add to your search term while you type in the search box.Read More »How to Find Topics to Write about on your WordPress Website
is marketed as a platform for building dynamic website solutions. Dynamic simply means that data is live on the website while users are interacting on the site. So a website owner can add content (pages, post, images) live without affecting existing viewers. Content is stored in a database, which allows for the dynamic feel of a WordPress site. A website can start off as a single page and grow over time. In a short time, you can have multiple pages and many post without becoming overwhelming. The best example is any news site like CNN.